If you are experiencing water intrusion in your basement or crawl space, do not expect an exterior waterproofing plan to remedy the water problem on its own. Exterior waterproofing is only a partial solution when it comes to basement waterproofing and will not produce dry results long term.
Choosing to waterproof the exterior of your home, where you typically first see water in excess, will only deter part of the water—the water on the outside. This may seem apparent, but many homeowners mistakenly select exterior basement waterproofing as the more affordable, less invasive waterproofing solution. When in fact, waterproofing from the outside is ineffective in stopping water intrusion in a basement or water in a crawl space.
Exterior waterproofing may initially stop water from coming in through basement walls, but water can seep into the basement via other places like the basement floor or cove joint, where the walls and floors meet. If the slightest crack exists in a basement concrete floor or block wall, water will find it and make its way into the lower parts of the home. Likewise, in a crawl space, water may enter through the dirt floor by what’s known as rising damp and overly saturated wet soil. Because water can enter the crawl space from the inside, you will want to protect your foundation with more than exterior waterproofing options.
An interior drain system with a sump pump or gravity drain is not only the most efficient way, but it is also the active way to rid water from the crawl space or basement of your home. Water can easily bypass exterior waterproofing products, like the trench drain and mastic, which then become passive waterproofing methods. An interior drainage system with a sump pump or gravity drain reroutes the water away from your home, actively protecting your foundation and helping prevent further water intrusion in the crawl space or basement.
Interior waterproofing systems installed by foundation repair and waterproofing companies usually carry a lifetime warranty, guaranteeing your home stays dry and stable. Whereas most exterior waterproofing products have a limited warranty if any warranty at all. A lifetime warranty for an interior drain system shows the success of its product design, the effectiveness of its materials, the experience of its installation experts, and the guarantee that customer service will remain available for this investment in your home.
Don’t rely on exterior waterproofing to solve your water problems. Water can seep deep into the soil and make its way into your basement or crawl space, bypassing any trench drain or exterior waterproofing on basement walls. Install an interior drainage system that will combat water intrusion for a lifetime. Call waterproofing company USS who will develop a personalized plan for you, customized for your home. We’re here to help. You deserve to have effective waterproofing done well and done right!
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