For safety and property value’s sake, it is imperative that you properly waterproof your home’s basement and foundation. While sealants may come to mind, the most effective means of waterproofing these areas entails installing proper interior and exterior drainage that leads away from the home and to daylight.
Click these links for more information on how to protect your home against hydrostatic pressure and flood damage.
- Hydrostatic pressure is the force that causes water to permeate your foundation walls and basement floor. The Berkeley Daily Planet talks about the causes for leakage and how the type of concrete used to build your foundation matters.
- Your drainage system is the first line of defense against hydrostatic pressure and related damage. explains the drainage installation project for before or after your house is built.
- While you never want water to get through the foundation walls or basement floor, a sump pump can help you extract it. provides a tutorial showing what you should be looking for when your contractor installs the device.
- Will your insurance cover you for damage due to hydrostatic pressure? American Insurance explains that most homeowner’s insurance policies have a clause making the insurer exempt from responsibility for water damage from below the ground.
- Concrete Network has some tips and information for using concrete sealant. This includes which types are best for your home, and what kind of results to expect after application.
At United Structural Systems, we can help with any foundation or basement waterproofing project, as we have for Middle Tennessee for nearly 20 years. Call us at (615) 227-2275 to find out more.